
In The End, Know My Intent



"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
05-05-2021, 08:51 AM

He barely remembered a time his mother lived at the falls, he always remembered her living so far away out here and hardly ever visiting. So when Gwyn had mentioned, it poked a hole in his heart for that moment in time he had lost. He shook it off though, looking back to her as she offered to take him around the castle to see if there would be anything specific he found interest in. "Sure." He nodded and eagerly went to follow her as she started the stroll.

They first came to a green house that apparently his mother had built. He hadn't made any assumptions about this "mister Ulric" though, he didn't really have a reason to. It wasn't like he knew how a relationship should work given the fact that his mother and father had been so distant now a days. "Uh- yeah that's her." He confirmed, and listened intently to what she had to say. As she had been quizzing about herbs, it seemed she found joy in the thought of planting herbs in the green house. And it only made him happy to see her in such away. He had only just met her, but he wanted to surround himself in a facade of happiness, or because his own happiness may have been a facade.

They moved on a short distance to the training center, and he again still watched her and looked around as she explained and toured the area. She was talking much more than himself which was so normal for him he wouldn't notice. Of course he didn't mind her talking so much at all, he was mostly naive and held no judgment towards others. So following her around and listening to her didn't feel like a chore to him, even at such a young age. He hadn't necessarily found an interest in fighting, but he knew he wanted to protect his family so the idea of learning how to defend himself and those he loved stuck at the most forefront of his mind.

She asked if he wanted to go to the tower and overlook the grounds and whatever else there was to see. He wouldn't object, he was one that saw more beauty in things than not at least. He had the heart of his father. "Sure, that sounds cool." He gave her a smile and motioned for her to lead the way with the raise of his paw. He could handle some stairs, it was good for his strength building or something of the like.

While they made their way to the tower, he quietly started, "Sorry I don't talk so much." His tone held a bit of a joke in it, but he couldn't help but feel he was taking up her time. She could after all be quizzing her brain as she had been before he interrupted her. "Thanks for showing me around, I bet I'm not all that fun to be around." He was still joking but also serious. He knew he had a hard time making friends while he was so introverted, quiet, and awkward. But he didn't want to be alone for the rest of his life. He could be optimistic though, he didn't think he would be alone forever but he wanted to know others now.

Walk "Talk" Think

Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.