
It's all for you, everything I do




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-05-2021, 10:52 AM

Time was running out. Her appetite was pretty much gone. Sometimes she forgot that she even needed to eat. The formerly thick and muscular woman was wasting away. She looked old, older than her eight years. Eight? Nine? She'd lost count. It was nice to be released from her prison, if only for a little while. She'd forced the imprisonment upon herself for the sake of others, but that didn't mean that she liked it. She'd gone willingly, but she hadn't gone happily. Happiness had left her long ago. And yet... a piece of happiness came to her this day.

Resin was nestled upon the polar bear pelt that Luta had brought her; a gift from the Armada. She was curled up near the flickering fireplace, soaking up the warmth into her old bones. Now that she'd lost a significant amount of fat and muscle, she was getting colder. It was much harder to stay warm without her bulk. The formerly hulking woman looked smaller than she'd been since she was a yearling. Aside from her size, her pelt was dull and her piercing golden eye was dim. It was evident that she was on her way out.

It had been nice, being able to see her family again without the worry of harming them. She'd settled the worries of her children and packmates, but she hadn't settled the worries of Tamsyn. The woman in question came down the stairs into the lowest layer of the castle and drew near. Resin could see the hesitancy in her actions and who could blame her? The ashen woman had permanently scarred her lover. It was wise of Tamsyn to fear her. Today though, Resin was very much herself.

"Tamsyn," the older woman rumbled. Lifting one paw, she motioned for the dark fae to come close. She wanted to embrace her mate at least one more time while she was in control enough to do it, and herself enough to remember it.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]