
It's all for you, everything I do



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-05-2021, 11:38 AM

A rumble of her name and a wave of her paw was all it took. "Resin..." she whispered back, tears pooled in her eyes, but they weren't tears of sorrow or fear. She hurried forward and immediately dropped down to Resin's side, pressing her side into Resin's as she bit back a relieved sob. Her face burried into Resin's neck, the fur there less soft than it had once been and her body far more thin. She could feel Resin's ribs against her side and the bone of her shoulder was far more prominent than she remembered, but even with all of that the overwhelming relief she felt at being against her mate once again was almost too much for her to handle. After weeks and weeks of living in the darkest, most painful place she had experienced since her youngest years of life, this was more than her body knew how to handle.

She wouldn't run from these feelings though, not like she had been doing to every other emotion recently. She embraced them, let them overwhelm her. She wanted to remember this feeling for the rest of her life. She curled into Resin's chest as if she had never left, tears staining her cheeks and paws curling around clumps of her mate's fur. She didn't know how long she would get to have with Resin this time, but she wasn't going to let a single minute go to waste. "I've missed you... so, so much," she said softly against Resin's dark skin. It was almost easy to just pretend that they had just been separated by some long spent trip and ignore the haunting, terrible truth of what had become of their lives.

She lifted her head away from Resin's neck to be able to look up at her scarred face, a small, sad smile lingering on her lips as her paw came up to trace the heavy scars that nearly mirrored her own. She hadn't lost her eye the way Resin had, but the similarity was still slightly eerie. She hated the dullness that had come over her mate's eye, the frailness that had taken over the former warrior. She'd always remember Resin as the wolf that she had sparred with in the snow all that time ago or as the wolf that had ripped her brother limb from limb in front of her eyes, but this was still her Resin. She was still able to feel her embrace again and for now that was more than enough.

"There's not much time left is there?" she asked quietly, already knowing the answer before she asked it. She just needed to hear it to make it real in her mind. Her chest squeezed tight with that truth, but she was going to have to face it sooner or later. It felt easier to accept coming from Resin herself than hearing it from the healers or from Ulric. Everything had always been easier coming from Resin. Resin made her world make sense. Perhaps that's why it had been so utterly devastating when Resin herself had upset what she knew to be real.

"Tamsyn" | "Blue"