


07-31-2013, 07:22 AM

The moment of need, the longing of the ecstasy that had once carried him so high, left him nearly breathless, his heart racing in his core. The waters below him crashed against the rocks, the fine mist spraying him even at the elevated height that he found himself at. The coldness of it, the rush of instinct brought him down to earth.


Great, the old wolf was still there. Wouldn?t he take a hint? Something, unworldly, pulled and Creedance found himself turning around, facing the wolf that had intruded on his night. Ears trained on the old man, he watched as something seemed to be taking over him, head would tilt to the right, his eyes puzzled. His next words cut into Creedance like a knife, though they didn?t enrage him. Instead they brought a memory to his mind, resurfacing it, dragging it from the froths of hell.

The sunlight it was so bright that day, and he had left the den at the birth of the day, in search of Amaranth. Impatiently, he had waited at their meeting spot until she had arrived, and had greeted her with their usual chorus of greetings for the other. They had left, on the edges of the pack territory mid- hunt when they heard the snarls. Rushing back to the center of the pack lands, they were horrified to see their homes being destroyed. Racing to aid one of the other juveniles, the pair attacked one of the wolves attacking them, falling on top of them with snarls and growls. When the enemies pack-mates showed up in his defense, and pulled Amaranth away from him, as they attacked him relentlessly he felt his heart break. There came a point when their attacks no longer mattered to him, he became numb. He watched helplessly as the drug his Amara away, and watched as she fought them. When they left him, bleeding in the ravine, he laid there, awaiting death, accepting his fate.

A snarl broke through, anger over-taking any other sensible emotion that the brute could have felt. This old fool had no clue! He didn?t understand him! He wouldn?t have been like Creedance! Nearly a childish tantrum threatened to erupt from his maw, as he stared dumbfounded, the snarl dying on his jaws. So this arrogant fool thought, that he would see him fall?

Stance would widen, the grim smile on his jaws growing, hiding his conflicting emotions. His head would lower, hackles raising, tail raised behind him slightly, giving him balance that he would need on the edge of the cliff. Heart slowing, calmly accepting the battle to come, he would speak.

?You have no clue, who I am or why I do this.?

With that, he fell silent anticipating his enemies attack, Creedance Voltaire would. not. fall.