
She’s a Fox



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
05-05-2021, 06:51 PM

Trotting away from the castle grounds wearing the cuirass his father gifted to him, holding his head a bit higher than he probably ever had as he went out into one of the first warmer days they had gotten since the season shifted over to summer. Aquila soared overhead, drifting on the warm currents of air, occasionally swooping away from him only to come back into view a few moments later. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to feel different now that he was officially a year old or not, but he didn't really notice anything different except for the fact that his father had given them permission to wander and roam more freely. He planned on taking advantage of that freedom right away and set out on his own - with Aquila of course.

He wound his way through the cedar trees that surrounded the near by falls, fully intending on finding some kind of prey to hunt and take back with him to the castle so at least he could say that his trip was productive and helpful. He didn't really understand his father's obsession with duty and responsibility, but he'd found that as long as he had something that he could point to at the end of the day and tell his father what he had accomplished then he was allowed to go about his day however he wished. It was only when he started avoiding his lessons or training or didn't contribute something that his father started getting on to him. The least he could do for himself was spare himself the headache of getting lectures from his father.

As he was walking and beginning to track the scent of a deer that had crossed through here recently, he spotted a bright flare of color that stood out like a beacon against the backdrop of mostly brown trees and dirt with the occasional patch of melting snow and the few budding leaves. He blinked with surprise and started moving toward the vibrant, fox-like orange color. At first he thought it might actually be a fox, but as he got closer and passed through a ridge of trees he saw that it was actually a wolf - one that seemed to have their front half stuck in a log.

A quizzical look crossed his face, lifting a brow as he tried to figure out what in the world she was doing. It was hard to tell if she was trying to reach further in or was stuck and trying to get out. Either way, it didn't exactly look comfortable. He opened his mouth to say something as he moved a bit closer, but for a moment he got distracted, her butt wiggling and squirming while her tail swished back and forth in the air. For another beat or two he stood there without really understanding what was making his brain lock up and his body freeze, but eventually he pulled himself out of it with a hard shake of his head and he came up beside her and the log she was halfway into. "Um... Miss? Are you stuck? Can I help?"

Ezra Adravendi