
Ba ba big sheep

Alastor - hunting dall sheep



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7 Years
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05-05-2021, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2021, 12:33 AM by Manea. Edited 1 time in total.)

Manea drove the sheep forward toward their inevitable demise until Alastor crested the boulder like the most handsome god of death and halted the frightened animals with a vicious snarl of his own. She stood back and enjoyed the show for a moment with a grin on her lips as he leapt toward the ram leading the herd, ending its life swiftly with a deadly and effective crunch of its neck. Her aqua gaze rested on her soul mate with a hunger that had nothing to do with the sheep he had just brought down for them. She loved the way he looked with blood dripping from his muzzle, playing off the vibrant red markings that made him so incredibly striking.

With the stupid sheep running back toward her, she fixed her eyes on the closest one to her, watching with amusement as they were blinded by their own fear and came running right back the way they came. A couple of them toward the back of the herd seemed to catch on to the situation and managed to scrabble their way up the steep rock face and get themselves out of reach, but the last few came straight toward her and fell right into her trap. She made quick work of her target, lunging forward to hook her claws into the upper parts of its shoulders, yanking it to the ground with a snarl and latching her jaws onto his throat. With a savage bite and twist of her head this one faced the same fate as the ram at Alastor's feet, going limp in her grasp.

She chuckled and dropped the sheep to the side, looking up at the two remaining sheep that were cowering between the two of them, bleating and panicking. She grinned, swiping her tongue over her bloodied muzzle. "What do you think, darling? Shall we let them run or double our kills?" She was perfectly content with either option. Her attention was already far away from the hunt and instead fixed on the dark brute ahead of her.

Manea | Temno