
Part the Waters



07-31-2013, 08:34 AM
Everything happened rather suddenly. In one moment, she felt as though she were truly dying, with large waves of water rushing over her with alarming force. It pushed against her slender body, tossing her about as though she were merely a leaf on the wind. She gasped for air, though suddenly she felt a tugging on the back of her neck. And then she felt cold as the air began to envelop her on all sides. It was cold, as she was thoroughly soaked, but the chilly air was much preferred to being tossed about in the water...

It took a long moment for her to truly grasp that she was safe-- that someone had grabbed her and was carrying her to safety. Was it her dad? She writhed in the man's grasp, trying to turn her head to see him, but failing. It was another few moments longer until they got to safety, and when they did she found herself coughing and flailing a bit too dramatically on the ground. She was oblivious to the danger that others faced, the the other wolves that were lost out in the flood. Eyes squinted as she gazed around, though eventually landed on Gideon, and she frowned for a moment. "Who the heck are you?" She inquired suddenly, though it was more of a demand than a question.