
Kissing in the blue dark

Void <3



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
05-06-2021, 07:24 PM
Hearing Plague’s voice as he tested his new name and called him by his soon to be title caused Void’s heart to skip a beat as he cuddled against Plague’s chest. ”My Husband, Plague Abraxas-Destruction.” He whispered in return, savoring the words on his tongue. There was never a more perfect moment between them. Still lingering in the high of their love, and talking quietly about the future they had to share. Void smiled, and committed these moments to memory. The first day of the rest of their lives together. Forever.

His skin tingled and shivered as Plague traced the contours of his body as they lay there puzzle pieced together perfectly. Void sighed softly, feeling again the tension leave his body as he relaxed into Plague’s protective embrace. As long as he was here in these strong arms there was no sorrow that could overwhelm him. Plague quietly assured him they would be together all of their days. Iit made his heart swell and the guilty feeling nag at him at the same time. Spirit and Gloom would be out there making their way back to camp, expecting him to be there. ”Good,” he whispered softly. ”You won’t be rid of me either.” He teased to get his mind off the coming goodbye.

Plague continued with his train of thought, and his voice echoing through his chest continued to lull Void to total relaxation to the point that he could have fallen asleep. Sore and satisfied he craved a good long sleep. He grinned throughout, pleased to hear any and all of Plague’s ideas and even more eager to let him run with him. If their home was any guess anything that Plague did would be perfect and beyond Void’s expectation. The pair of them settled naturally into a peaceful silence as they both fell closer to sleep, but again reality came knocking.

Void would have to leave this magical place at a moment he really didn’t want to. Gloom and Spirit flashed in his mind and Void grit his teeth. He needed to return to camp. Plague had been gentle with him, but even after such care racing back to camp wouldn’t be a comfortable journey. Void grumbled as he blinked open blue and lavender eyes. This was a labor of love, leaving the one he wanted most to make sure his siblings were safe and sound. ”I do.” Even as he said the words his heart broke, and the countdown to return to his love would be set back.