
Yurei x Casso 1st litter!



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-06-2021, 08:59 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2021, 02:11 AM by Ignis. Edited 7 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Dragon
Character's Name: Finan
Gender: M
Adult Height: 36" - 42" haven't decided yet
Size: Large
Build: medium
Alignment: true neutral (may change with development)
Appearance Description: Finan is neither the largest nor the smallest wolf out there, but he's bulky and fluffy af. He has a stocky build made to look even stockier thanks to his dramatically fluffy fur. His base coat is black for the most part, however, he does have silver/white highlights throughout the black of his fur. His underside and some of his face is white, as well as his paws. Gray separates the black from the white on his feet and he has silvery undertones on the white fringes of his fur as well. His eyes are more like that of his mother's, though lighter green and subtler with the shade. Though Finan is extra fluffy, he has a lot of muscle beneath all that plush fur. He carries his tail high like a husky always ready to get into trouble. This powerhouse of a man isn't afraid to use his bulk when needed, though he prefers not to if he can help it. Don't let his bulk fool you though, the lad is quite quick on his feet and practically dances around his opponents.
Personality: Finan is as loyal as they come. He's super loyal to those who have earned his trust, whether that be friends or family. Pack, or lover. He doesn't care as long as you've earned his trust. He's trustworthy, too. He doesn't ever go around spilling secrets or anything he was confided with. His lips are always sealed, unless it's something he knows can get him in trouble (treason, for example), he may have no choice but to tell. Another case is if someone is really thinking of harming themselves, or someone he really cares about, he'll likely attempt to do something about it or tell someone who will. As a child, this may be a difficult situation for him should he ever be put in it, but let's be honest, he's more likely to be a goofball than worry about stuff like that. He strives to make his parents and siblings laugh with his antics, just as much as he strives to protect them. Brave to a fault, Finan is a protector more than anything. He'd do just about anything to keep those he cares for safe and sound.
Intended plots: I can't think of anything off the top of my head ;-; momma's boy probably, always wanting to make sure his mom is happy XD

It's late and I didn't wanna keep ya'll waiting so here's a sneak peek i guess XD if I get him, I'll def add more lol

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