
Solace and Some Peace of Mind




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-06-2021, 10:07 PM

"Aslatiel Fatalis"

As Mo spoke of his family making him feel like less because of his ears, Asla wrinkled her nose. How dare they? Mojito was perfection. His ears were perfection. To emphasize this, she gave them another gentle caress. She didn't really feel anything for the Kleins. No sense of loyalty like her father felt. They'd done nothing to make her feel loyal to them. Hell, she didn't feel much loyalty to anyone. She did feel a sense of loyalty to the monochromatic man before her though. In her own way, anyway. Had anyone bad mouthed him in front of her, she'd have fought them straight out. It didn't matter who they were.

Her request to kiss him seemed to strike the man mute. He merely nodded and pulled her more tightly against him. Asla took the green light and ran with it. The young fae brushed her lips across his, gently at first as thought she might break him. Perhaps she was still giving him the opportunity to run from her. He'd been trying so hard to distance himself from her that she almost felt bad to reel him back in. They were adults though. They could do these things as often as they wished now. He may have wanted something different, but she still wanted him.

Asla released a shaky, breathy sigh before giving him one final kiss, this one longer, deeper, one paw raised to rest upon a white furred cheek. Things clenched low in her body and the cream and grey fae pulled back slightly. "I want you, Mojito," she practically purred, though there was vulnerability in her tones. There was a very good chance that he would reject her and she didn't know if she was ready for that. "If you don't want me...take your chance and run." Eyes that had formerly been filled with sadness now teemed with liquid hot lust. "If you do want me...then don't hold back."

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