
The Hunt Is At An End




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-06-2021, 10:50 PM
Ulric closed the door to the field house that stood next to their training area, putting away the last of the training dummies and his armor. Now that the weather was finally beginning to warm and loosen up its frigid clutches he was eager to get everyone out into training sessions again. The number of Kin that hadn't put in the effort to be Knights was concerning, one of the many things that currently held his attention. There seemed to always be something pulling him in one way or another. He wouldn't complain, he knew it was just part of the role he had agreed to take on, but it left little time in his mind for much else. In a way that had been a blessing as Aranea departed from the pack and Resin continued to decline and his children continued to struggle, though he feared the time when all of those things came barreling into him all at once.

A howl from the border pulled his head up to listen, his brow lifting curiously. Not only was it not a voice he recognized, but it was the middle of the night. That made him worry that something was wrong that would drive whoever the stranger was to call this late, but he would have gone to answer it either way. He turned and hurried away from the castle, long limbs carrying him forward at a brisk lope to carry himself toward the howl. As he drew closer he saw a dark figure take shape from the darkness, a woman that was clearly worn from travel, the dust clinging to her fur evident in the moonlight. Even marked with the heavy signs of travel she was a lovely woman, but he put that at the very back of his mind. She was pacing back and forth, only further making him worry that there was something he should be concerned about.

"Hello," his deep voice rumbled as he greeted her simply, his attentive silver gaze watching her curiously. "I'm Ulric, the alpha here. What can I help you with?"

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