

Gargoyle I


07-31-2013, 08:45 AM

Gargoyle was done with words. He'd already said far more than he had planned to. Especially since he was more or less certain they would be spurned and ignored. Why waste breath? Dragonic eyes narrowed into yellow-gold slits. The same breed of beast stirred in the chests of both males. It was time - Gargoyle could hesitate no longer. Tawny paws, far too big for any wolf, began to pad forward, one hauntingly slow step at a time.

"You have no clue who I am or why I do this."

"All roads lead to Rome," was the dark chief's only reply. In other words - it was all the same. Tales of tragedy and pain and pleasure - perhaps with the occasional decent choice or slippery slope, but it didn't make any difference. Hellfire was still the only light at the end of the tunnel. Gargoyle was closing the distance between them, fur bristling thick to guard overly scarred skin, neck ever so slightly arched, and jaws just slightly parted. His ears fell back and his eyes narrowed, simple movements to protect tender areas. His long black claws dragged ever so slightly against the rock. Trailing knives, sharpening on nature's whetstone. A part of him was terribly curious as to how close the white male could take it. He seemed the sort to break early - unable to take the slowly thickening tension of approaching doom.

But if Gargoyle had his way he would make his attack when he was merely a pace away. All of a sudden, the still, creeping hunter was change. All in the matter of a heartbeat, jaws would splay apart to reveal rings of fangs, face would twist into a demonic snarl and he'd move forward with the force of an explosion. While hindpaws pushed off the ground, Gargoyle would burst forward - seeking Creedance's skull with his teeth. It was a signature of his. Forty two teeth with a pressure 1500 pounds per square inch? A killer like him wasn't going to waste such an asset. Crunching skulls had been a specialty of his back in the day. He didn't go for holds, he just went for the end game. Brains were the best tasting part after all. He was clearly ready to dance about - he was tracking his oppoenant and preparing for his selected target to try to move fast. And whether or not Gargoyle's attack landed exactly as he desired, he was adding his chest to mix- attempting to slam into Creedance like a battering ram perhaps to send him over the edge. Gargoyle had had all this time to observe how the youngster moved and worked, and a fighter's mind like his was going to put that to good use. Well, thunder and lightning were about to clash on this night, and it was likely that things were only just beginning.

x.x gargoyle vs. creedance - freestyle x.x

attacks: walking forward to close distance, then suddenly snapping open jaws and trying to wrap them around Creedance's skull, hoping to crunch down. He's also slamming his chest forward, hoping to at least bruise and knock Cree off balance - perhaps even take him right over the edge.


defenses: neck arched. ears back. eyes narrowed.


injuries: n/a


notes: this isn't meant to be judge worthy or anything - just to keep things clear (and for practice)