
The Hunt Is At An End




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-06-2021, 11:23 PM
Now that he was closer to the woman he could see the mask like marking across her face and her piercing golden gaze that held his confidently and assuredly. He wasn't taken aback necessarily, but she did catch his attention and held it easily as she began to introduce herself. Eska. He repeated the name back to himself in his mind, liking the sound of it quite a lot. His initial thought even before she began to speak was of how much she reminded him of Resin, though perhaps a bit more lively and talkative than his gruff mentor. Although he had to admit that he didn't know how Resin had been as a younger woman and this stranger was probably half of her age. He immediately explained away the similarity as coincidence - that was until she told him that he could be of help by taking her to her mother, making his brows lift with surprise. He wanted to be doubtful of her, but somehow as his eyes lingered on hers he knew that it was truth. How she had managed to find her way here or where she had come from in the first place was still a mystery, but she confirmed that her mother was Resin as she spoke the former Aegis' name, stating that he should know her.

"Indeed I do," he replied, noticing the tremble in her legs and the obvious exhaustion she was hiding. "I know her very well, in fact." His expression darkened some and he sighed as he nodded toward the castle. "Come, I'll explain on the way there." He began to lead her up toward the castle gates, matching his pace to hers. He didn't want to hurry her or put more strain on her already tired body by moving too quickly to keep up with his longer strides, though he could tell she was eager to see her mother. He hadn't known that Resin had other children so Eska's appearance was certainly a surprise. "Over the last season or so, Resin's mental state has started to deteriorate drastically," he explained, letting his gaze linger on the woman beside him since he knew the path to the castle like the back of his paw. "She attacked her mate in the middle of the night, injuring her badly, and has kept herself locked in the dungeons unless she is sedated since then." He didn't like having to give Eska such news as soon as she arrived, but he also wanted her to be prepared for what she might find if and when he brought her to Resin. "Her physical state is starting to go now... I'm not sure how much longer she'll be with us," he admitted softly and honestly. "You might have come just in time."

Walk | "Talk" | think