
Where Am I Going To?



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-06-2021, 11:53 PM

After traveling for so long, it was hard to keep her paws in one place. Even with a sick and dying mother, Eska felt the need to move, to explore. Having reconciled with a mother that thought she was dead, the silver streaked woman needed time alone to reflect and sort her thoughts and emotions into order. Resin was in very bad shape. When she was little, her mother seemed as strong as a mountain. Now she looked brittle and frail. Ribs were showing and muscle had melted away. Her mother was a husk. A shadow of what she had once been. It saddened the smoke and shadow fae greatly.

Eska had followed the ocean upward to a place where stone embraced water and trees embraced stone. The place was cold, much like she felt. She still hadn't washed the dirt of her travels away and with nothing better to do, now seemed like the right time. Stepping down into the icy water, Eska submerged herself, holding her breath for as long as she could manage before resurfacing again to pull in large gulps of fresh air. She swam a bit, diving and resurfacing a few times. Eventually, she decided that the worst of the dust and grime was washed away.

Pulling herself back onto the bank, the waterlogged woman gave her thick pelt a shake, sending water flying in all directions. Today, she would take advantage of the warm, summer sun that was slowly melting the rough winter snow. Eska leaped upon a dark stone slab and sprawled out on her belly. Her tail curled over one outstretched hind leg as she settled in, content to let the sun absorb the remainder of the moisture from her now clean pelt.

The days and weeks that followed would be difficult. Her mother had told her that her father was gone, so there was no need to seek him out. With her mother gone, the quest that had taken up such a large part of the fae's life was at an end. What would she do with herself now? There was family in The Hallows, but she didn't know them. Would the mate of her mother feel awkward having her around? Perhaps she would question Ulric when she returned. He seemed a good, wise man and Eska wasn't above asking for advice. Up above, a crow called out and the damp woman turned her golden gaze to the sky, squinting against the brightness. At least the world was righting itself once more, if anything.
