
The Hunt Is At An End




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-07-2021, 12:08 AM
Ulric saw her deflate a bit as he broke the news to her and deeply wished that he had better news to greet her with. To have just met her and to have to rip apart her hope right away... It wasn't something he enjoyed doing - not that he particularly enjoyed telling anyone news as terrible as this. He nodded quietly as she explained that a similar tragedy had befallen the father of her half sister who had killed two of her half brothers because of it. He knew Resin was aware of what was happening to her and now what had seemed like her being overly cautious with how dangerous she believed herself to be seemed like maybe she had been right to lock herself away immediately. Tamsyn's attack had been bad enough and he knew if the former Seraph hadn't acted quickly then she could have gone the way of Eska's half brothers.

When Eska spoke his name he brought his gaze back to hers and slowed to a stop beside her, listening with sympathy tugging at his gaze. Oh how he wished he could make everything right. It was something he felt often and something that he hardly got the chance to deliver on. He considered her question seriously for a moment, a long sigh of an exhale through his nose leaving him. It was difficult either way. On one paw she would get to be reunited with her long lost mother and if Resin was in a good space or perhaps still under a bit of the effects of the sedatives Lúta gives her then it could be a good moment for them both. On the other side of the coin if Resin's mind slipped it could be even more damaging to the former Aegis and possibly traumatic to Eska. Or he could suggest they avoid her seeing Resin entirely... but then would she always regret never seeing Resin again?

He toyed with the options for a long moment, his gaze searching hers. "I think you should see her," he told her finally. "I never got the chance to say goodbye to either of my parents and it's still one of my biggest regrets. I'd hate for you to live with that as well." He gave her a firm look, refusing to sugar coat any of it for her. "But just... keep in mind that she's not in a good place. It's very possible she won't be herself when we go down there - not to mention that she has lost a lot of weight and doesn't look like she once had." He sighed, his ears flicking uncertainly. "If you'd like I can go down to the dungeons first and see how she is before I bring you down. Or we can wait till morning to have one of the healers give her some of the sedatives. I... I don't want you to miss out on this chance, but I don't know if this is what you want your last memory of her to be either."

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