
Calling all the monsters


07-31-2013, 08:50 AM
Bast spotted the slight grin that graced the brute's maw, her tongue coming out to lick at her own. She listened to his words with great interest,smiling slightly before angling herself to touch her nose to his right back leg lightly. " do I get to some of the places you like to visit?" The femme replied with the only honest bones in her body...the teeniest tiniest bones of course. He was an entertaining man with a perchance for flirting, a game of both wits and words.

"Amenti...huh, I'll keep that name in mind." She said before backing up just enough to let his eyes search hers without seeing past the fa?ade. Bast was a champion at playing hard to get, but when it came to pleasure she was all for letting the male have complete access. There were rare times when Bast was more honest, than she was tricky. When she was giving and taking pleasure from another, killing or making love...or when she found someone so interesting that her walls came down just enough for another to take a peek into her strange little world.

The deceptive woman looked into the male's golden orbs before she stepped forward and tilted her head up to tug on his ear playfully.
"I love playing tag...childish I know, but fun nonetheless. It can be a game of cat and mouse....or a battle of wits, very flexible for a child's game you see. You interested?" She stated, her green oculars sparkling with pleasure as she offered him one form of a game that could easily become more naughty than the child friendly version.