
Kissing in the blue dark

Void <3



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
05-07-2021, 02:19 PM
Void knew that this moment would be one of the most difficult yet, and both of them tried poorly to hide that fact. He tried to offer a grin as he reluctantly offered the truth. He wanted desperately to stay here in Plague’s warm embrace, in the comfort of their home after everything. He had to keep his loyalty to Spirit and Gloom, they needed him more than he needed to stay here. His only consolation was this arrangement wouldn’t have to be forever. Once they returned to Abaven Void could take some time with his ivory man-to-be. Plague tried to soothe him the best that he could, his words an assurance as much as the mindful kiss they shared.

The Destruction man barely allowed Plague from his grasp, but he did appreciate his help in finding his feet. This was no simple task, and he was slow to let himself far away from Plague even as they struggled out of the bed. Void closed his eyes and enjoyed the last bits of affection as Plague straightened his fur and readied to send him on his way. A deep hole seemed to open up in his belly at that moment and he grasped tightly at the man in front of him. Leaving now hurt so much worse than before.

Plague didn’t leave his side as Void reluctantly let go and headed towards the entrance. He took one last long glance around and he memorized every fur and branch. He leaned into Plague’s touch as he begged him to return swiftly. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, steeling himself for the trial ahead. ”I will.” Void whispered back as he aimed to steal another long kiss for the road. His heart swelled and broke as he pulled away. ”I love you, Plague.” His eyes shimmered lightly with tears. ”I’ll see you soon.” He couldn’t say ‘goodbye’ the words wouldn’t come. With another sigh his paws reluctantly carried him from Plague’s side.