
Yurei x Casso 1st litter!



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
05-07-2021, 03:17 PM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2021, 02:30 PM by Magnus. Edited 7 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: skelle
Character's Name: Raure (Prn: Roar-ee)
Gender: male
Adult Height: 32" (Runt)
Size: medium
Build: light
Alignment: true neutral
Appearance Description: a small boy at birth, much smaller than his siblings, he'll never be a large man. Standing at a meager thirty-two inches at the shoulder, shorter even than his mother, Raure has a boyish figure through most of his life - skinny, lanky, or something similar. Lean muscle will take shape as he ages and combined with a raging metabolism, Raure will be small. Being smaller than his family isn't the only thing that sets him apart, however. Primarily, an ominous black covers his body, however a dark, ruby red cape takes over his topside and blends seamlessly into the black. Brilliant sky blue eyes stand out from his black mask and red colors, almost too bright for his otherwise dark features.
Personality: Raure might be small, but his personality sure isn't. He is a loud, energetic boy with a passion for wrestling, goofing off, and adventuring even from an early age. He will push limits and buttons, often ending in scolding and likely even punishments. At his best, he is a good boy and loves his family... However at his worst, he is a brat and enjoys finding and even causing trouble. He is almost a little too brave and fearless for his own good, often causing him to get hurt or possibly even endanger someone else for the sake of fun and a good laugh. He does have a bit of an attitude problem though, quick to snap or jump to conclusions. He is also easily jealous and complete with the inability to know when to shut up, doesn't have a problem letting you know how he feels. Raure can be emotional and take things a little too personally at times, only feeding his outbursts and underlying insecurities.
Intended plots: probs gonna end up a sassy gay boy js
Magnus has a silver horseshoe septum ring, poorly cropped (long) ears, and bright blue crystal goat horns that may not always appear in his art
Commission ShopPlot with me!