
The Hunt Is At An End




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-07-2021, 03:39 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2021, 03:41 PM by Ulric. Edited 2 times in total.)
Ulric considered the woman beside him as she spoke, appreciating her strength as she insisted that she would see Resin in whatever state she was in. He wondered if she fully understood the ghost of her former self that Resin was becoming, but he wouldn't question or doubt her. She seemed like the headstrong sort and he trusted that she knew what was best for herself. He smiled softly when she admitted to the exhaustion that clung to her and requested a place to stay. "Of course, you're more than welcome to stay as long as you'd like," he insisted. Secretly, he wondered if perhaps he might be able to convince her to stay with them permanently once this was all said and done. He could certainly use some more strong minded wolves around The Hallows, but he wouldn't mention it now. There were far more pressing matters and she needed to rest. "There's a hall of spare guest rooms that you can take your pick from," he added as he began to turn to lead her into the castle.

Before he could though she made another request and he paused, bringing his silver gaze back to hers. "Absolutely," he agreed without hesitation, giving her a small nod. He wouldn't have dreamed of sending her down into the dungeons on her own anyway, but he certainly wouldn't now that she had specifically requested that he join her. If nothing else it would give him a little more peace of mind that if something did manage to happen then he would be there to intervene. "Let me show you to the guest wing so you can get some rest," he offered with another warm smile, the expression naturally pulling more to the right than to the left. The rooms left open for visitors were fairly close to the entrance of the castle so there was just a brief walk once they passed through the main doors. On their way though the main hall he paused long enough to pick up a couple pieces of firewood from the pile next to a hearth that was currently burning. "You'll probably want the fire going tonight. The weather is getting better, but the nights are still quite cold," he explained before leading her the rest of the way.

He pushed open the door to the room at the beginning of the hall, setting down the wood next to the fireplace. It was a simple, small room with just a frame of what had once been a fairly large bed sitting against the far wall that had been layered with bedding and furs. He was glad that Tamsyn had gotten the chance to finish fixing up these guests rooms before everything began to go downhill. "Would you like for me to help you get the fire going? I could go get some food from the cellar if you're hungry or maybe some water?" he questioned, feeling as if he should be doing for for her. Realizing he might be overbearing the poor woman, he gave her a lopsided, apologetic grin and added, Ah, sorry... You're the first guest we've had visit since I took the this position besides some wolves from a neighboring pack so I just want to make sure you're comfortable."

Ulric Adravendi