
The Hunt Is At An End




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-07-2021, 04:43 PM

Ulric was a very open, accepting man. He offered her a place for as long as she wished and she almost reminded him that he didn't know her. She could have been masquerading as Resin's daughter. He had no proof. Yet there he was, offering her a place within the very castle where his packmates slept. Eska almost told him this aloud, but she'd just met him as well. It wasn't polite to chastise someone that was offering her a place to sleep. So, instead of pointing his out, she merely nodded and followed along.

Before they entered the castle, Ulric agreed to her request to stay in the dungeons with her while she met her mother. The brindled fae's maw lifted at one corner and she nodded her thanks. Though she didn't need someone there, it would be nice all the same. If her mother was as addled as Ulric made her out to be, she could use his presence to keep herself grounded.

As Ulric stopped to grab some wood, she grabbed some as well. Eska wasn't one to let anyone do work for her when she was capable. The man explained that the nights were still cold and she nodded. More talkative than her mother, but still not a stellar conversationalist, it was clear. She didn't really know him and she was incredibly tired, so her mind and body were running on fumes as it was. Making up words would have been difficult.

Soon they came to a room and Ulric pushed open the door. Eska surveyed the interior. It would be the most comfortable sleep she'd gotten in a year. Maybe more. Since the man had offered to start the fire for her, she would allow him to do so with a simple, "Please." He then offered her many other things then gave a bashful look which brought about a soft chuckle from the bright eyed fae. "I would be glad to have some water." Eating could wait until morning.

As Ulric worked on the fire, Eska's exhaustion won out. On shaking legs she leaped onto the fur covered pallet, sinking into the warm, plush skins. Her eyes became heavy and her blinks were getting long and slow. "Thank you for your kindness," she whispered before quickly drifting off to sleep. She simply couldn't stay awake any longer.
