
The Hunt Is At An End




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-07-2021, 04:59 PM
Ulric nodded when she accepted his help with the fire and requested some water, giving her another grin. He'd never done well with holding any suspicion over strangers, though he liked to think he was a fairly good judge of character most times. She was alone and tired and he wouldn't have dreamed of doing anything less of making her feel completely at home. He thought of all the times that he had been forced to be the sole caretaker of his mourning mother as they traveled and even some of the time when he was living on his own that he could have used even a small kindness from someone else and was just grateful that he now had the resources to be Abel to do that for someone else.

He immediately went to work starting the fire for her, knowing it wouldn't take but a few moments. With as cold as it had been, especially in this large, drafty castle, keeping the fires going was almost a necessity to stay comfortable so he had gotten quite adept at starting them. By the time he had a nice sized fire going in the hearth he turned back to her and saw that she had settled into bed, practically asleep already as she thanked him for his kindness. A smile softened his expression and he watched for a moment longer as she fully drifted to sleep, clearly even more exhausted than she had even appeared. Keeping to his promise, he slipped out of the room and trotted across to the other side of the main hall, ducking into the infirmary for a moment since he knew that bowls and water skins would be readily available. Picking up one of each, he hurried back to her room and was glad to see that she was still sleeping soundly as he padded quietly over to her bed, carefully setting down both items on the floor beside her.

With that he backed away and slipped out of the room again, closing the door behind him. He lingered there for a moment longer, thinking about her striking golden eyes outlined and the soft shadow of silver under each one as he finally forced himself away to walk up to his own room for the night.

Ulric Adravendi