
Where Am I Going To?



2 Years
05-07-2021, 06:07 PM

I couldn't put a paw on what was going on with me today, but something was definitely off.
It was the energy that was sitting like a rock in my gut. Weighing me down and having me travel at a slower rate than usual. The search going south wasn't producing any results with anything that I was looking for. Maybe I was being impatient... I could accept that. But I needed new tools for crafting, some sort of field to get the right ingredients for that elixir I was working on, new sources of information that I could report back with, a meal, and god forbid there was a place around here that had a book or two about alchemy that was written in the old language. I was probably asking for more than the universe could provide with that one. On top of all of that, the information that I got about the ice bridge was great and all but I honestly should have had that chick LEAD me in the right direction.

I just wasn't thinking.

The sound of small rocks tumbling down off of the cliff face could be heard all around me as I scrapped my nails against the hard surface, trying to stop myself from sliding too far while I jumped from boulders to rock outcrops. My body tensed as I peered down from the height that I stopped at.
Not much father left... I hummed in thought while looking at the water's flow below. The small landing that I was on had a steep wall face, and it was difficult to see around the bottom for my next jump.
I pulled my head back from the edge and searched around for another way down. There. It was a small skid to the landing closest to the ground. If I could slide the right way, i'd land on the next rock outcrop and then just bound to the valley floor. 'And oh is that water calling papa's name...'

A small grunt came out of my maw as I leaped to the rock slope, narrowly missing a small tree growing out from a crevice, and gradually skidded on my paws down below. The sad part was that my paws kept catching on the bumps of the rock's face and I had to keep them from latching onto anything because of the friction. The sadder part was, I did mention that it was hard to see off of the cliff I leaped from and everything below it right? Well. My momentum had me over-extend my placement and I was now jumping along with gravity forcing me to keep bounding to the bottom lest I wanted to roll there instead.

"Woah, Woah...Uhhh -"
Yeah, of course, someone had to be laying here. A black canine body came into view as I made another jump over a jut in the wall, causing a sudden flood of panic to overwhelm my system. Quickly, I looked for anywhere to put my paws that I wasn't going to step on this being - because I sure as hell wasn't going to be able to avoid it. Coming to the dark rock's surface, I landed first on my front paws between the wolfs back legs and placed my back feet... well, somewhere. I guess it was possible that I stepped on something whether it be another rock, stick, or it's leg, before slowing to a stop a few feet away.
"Whoops. My fault."
I woofed, turning around to make sure it was indeed another wolf and not just a dead body someone threw down the Fjord.
Latin lyrics flowed before I caught myself and quickly shook my head as if to excuse myself.
"I mean - you okay?"

'Good grief... that was close.'

I couldn't say I would be surprised if it was though.
Perhaps it would be in my favor for a free sacrifice during my next ritual.
