
Concerning Mint and Druids



10 Years
Athena I
07-31-2013, 10:16 AM
Cael Amestades

Ivory paws carried the thin brute forward along the lake's edge, the sun warming his pale coat. His fur had luckily already shed down to its lighter form in preparation for the summer months ahead. He could feel spring quickly coming to an end, knowing that the hottest season was soon to come. The day was peaceful with not a cloud in the sky. His ears flicked as the sound of birds chirping over head. A gentle smile touched his muzzle as he swept his gaze over the landscape. There were few times that he liked more than being alone with nature like this. He enjoyed the company of other wolves, of course, but being out in the sun with the bright grasses around him and the sparkling lake to his side really recharged his soul.

The delicate smell of clover found his nose and his ears perked up eagerly. His memories flashed back to the day he had run across a patch of the useful weed with his adoptive mother, her lessons on it running through his mind. He missed that fea dearly and every time he ran across one of the herbs she had taught him about it gave him a sense of peace because he knew she would always be with him in that way.

He picked up his pace to a trot, moving forward toward the smell of the clover. Cael smiled when he finally reached the patch of clover, dipping his head to breathe in their scent. As he took a deep breath he caught the scent of two wolves, surprising him out of his thoughts. He blinked and lifted his two-toned gold and sapphire gaze, spotting the pair. One was a smaller black and white fea, the other a gray, tan, and black marked brute. The little fea seemed to be collecting some of the clover and he watched as she stashed the herbs in a bag that hung around her shoulder. His head tipped to the side with curiosity at the leather item, amazed at the possibilities she must have to find herbs with it. He padded forward toward them, dipping his gray-marked head in their direction respectfully. "Hello there," he called out in greeting, his thickly accented Irish voice reaching out to them. He smiled, dipping his head to the fea once more. "I'm sorry to have bothered you, ma'am. I just happened to notice your bag there and I was wondering where you got it. It must come in handy, collecting herbs like that." A thought dawned on him and his head tipped to the side a bit, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "You wouldn't happen to be a healer, would you?"
