
The Hunt Is At An End




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-07-2021, 07:03 PM
Ulric hardly slept through the night, but that was nothing new for the large brute. Ever since his children moved into their own rooms the only nights he had slept soundly was the few he had following Aranea's visits. Now his mind was too busy, constantly thinking about anything other than sleep as he laid there in his bed, staring at the wall. He dozed in and out of sleep for a while, but once the sky began to lighten with the coming sunrise he finally gave it up. He was too caught up in thoughts about Eska and having to lead her to her mother to get any more sleep. He went downstairs and drifted past Eska's room and saw that it was still closed so he went outside instead, deciding to get a quick patrol in just as the sun was beginning to rise.

When he returned to the entrance of the castle she was there in the courtyard, the silvery sheen of her brindled markings standing out far more in the morning light than they had the evening prior. He walked up to her with a soft smile, glad to see that she looked rested at least. "Ready?" he asked gently, waiting for her to rise and join him before he began to make his way back into the castle. There was no real use in putting it off any more than they had to, he supposed. He led the way to the stairs that would take them down into the dungeons, blinking his silver gaze to adjust them to the change in light.

He stepped into the room, glancing back over his shoulder at Eska for a moment before going over to the fireplace and tossing another log onto the fire. "There's someone here that would like to see you, Resin," he told the older woman, his gaze seeking her out.

Ulric Adravendi