
i will consume you.


07-31-2013, 10:21 AM

Monster, was often a word that referred to him. Terrorizing innocents, ripping into those far more innocent than he. Insane? No, he was perfectly sane. Insanity? Inable to curb his urges? No. Creedance Voltaire had perfect control of his urges. He could stop any time he wanted, couldn?t he? He wasn?t insane. The alabaster brute, with a coat untainted aside from the wounds he still held, and the two separate markings that adorned his face, prowled through the lands. Searching, for what, he no longer knew. Amaranth was alive, but she seemed to have disappeared. Oddly, the feelings that the two used to have for one another, didn't seem to exist any longer.

Sigh would escape his ivory jaws, as a smell seeped into his nostrils. Blood. Freshly spilt blood. Head would lift, jaws parting in an attempt to take in more of the wonderful scent as he moved towards the scent. He would walk, slowly and deliberately, his strides taking in the space fluidly. Speed would increase, to a gentle lope that would eat the ground beneath him, with every pump of his heart his stride would open and close. Coming to a halt, he would stop at the edge of the slope looking down at the singular wolf who was enjoying their dinner.

From there he would watch her, saliva pouring in the corners of his jaws as he watched her enjoy her meal, and as he just watched her. Two kinds of hunger pooled in his chest, and unsure as to which he needed to answer more he would pad forward. His jaws would part, and a greeting would rumble from his chest.

?Well, hello there darling.?