
It Means No Worries




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-07-2021, 08:53 PM

The time that her father had been away hadn't been spent lazing about. Aslatiel had taken charge of the Aramada. Patrols were sent out regularly, a schedule having been set. Hunts were formed and game was brought in. Thankfully, predators had stayed away from their borders. With the snow melting and the land not locked in the eternal grasp of winter, hunting grounds were open once more. The world had space again.

Aslatiel had spied her younger siblings here and there, save Gossamer. They were all grieving, so she didn't bother them with duties and whatnot. She'd been spending a fair amount of time with Briar though, which was nice. She'd taken quite a liking to her younger sister and felt like an asshole for hating the bunch without reason. She'd been a spoiled child once upon a time, but that seemed like ages ago. Aslatiel was different now. Older. Wiser. More worldly. No doubt the yearlings wouldn't understand much of that, but if they wished to become close to her now, she wasn't opposed to it.

The morning patrol had just finished and Aslatiel returned to the common area. She checked the water barrels to make sure that they were still full, peeked into the kill den to gauge their resources, and stacked a bit of firewood that had fallen. The days were running together with all of the work. The young Fatalis woman had fallen into leadership easily, but was ready for it to be over. She had never wanted to rule the Armada. That had been Azure's dream.


Even now she didn't believe that her brother would allow a fire to consume him. He would have fought to his last breath. If the bodies had been found laying beside a campfire... there was no fighting involved. It just didn't make sense and if it didn't make sense, there was a fair chance that it wasn't true. Time though... Time would tell whether or not her brother was truly dead. He could traipse back into the Armada any day. She would be ready for him.

As for her father, she hoped that he was doing what needed to be done. She hoped that he would return to them, a stronger man. Whatever outlet he needed to assuage his grief stricken soul, she hoped that he found it. Aslatiel was ready to have her father home.

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