
This loss feels like a welcome home



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-07-2021, 11:56 PM

Tamsyn shot Sirius a doubtful glance and a smirk when he mentioned offering Artorias lessons in meditation. Him? The raging Warlord that met the world teeth first was going to teach meditation. She chuckled softly and shook her head, busying herself with another bite of her meal to keep herself from making some kind of snarky remark in return. She certainly wouldn't be the one to discourage her friend from spending time with Artorias at the very least and who knew, maybe teaching some lessons on the subject would end up helping him in the long run as well. She could at least agree on one thing - Artorias was most certainly going to be a force in the world. He was shaping up to be quite the fighter and leader and she was excited to see what he could do once he was ready to take The Hallows as his own.

She brought her attention back to Sirius when he asked about being determined to stay in The Hallows, as if it had ever been a question. Her ears flicked back and she looked down at the last bits of deer meat between her paws. She hated how difficult it was to tell him no, but she had to. She knew how possessive he was and she knew he would happily carry her and Artorias back to the Armada - kicking and screaming if he had to. "My place is here," she finally told him firmly, bringing her mint gaze back up to his. Oh how easy it would be to go back to the Armada, fall back into the role of being his General. But she couldn't. Not now. "I can't speak for Artorias, he can make his own choices, but I know Ulric has his eye on him to take over the pack after him. We need a strong leader and Artorias has the makings of a great one."

She considered it for a moment and added with a slight grin, "I know sharing isn't exactly your favorite thing, but perhaps Briar and Artorias could go back and forth. Spend some time here, spend some time in the Armada. I think it would do my boy a lot of good to learn from you... I didn't give him your name for no reason." Yes, naming her first born after her best friend had been her idea, though she wasn't sure if Sirius realized it. "Briar at least will be welcome here any time she'd like to visit... As are you."

"Tamsyn" | "Blue"