
The Prodigal Son


07-31-2013, 11:20 AM
Okay so maybe Kishan isn't the "prodigal son" in the typical form but, it fits I guess. So before I go into too much detail about Kishan, I want to say that if anyone takes him, I will give them a lifetime supply of cookies! He is really important to my character Yesubai and I want to be able to do lots of plotting stuff with them so I would like for whoever takes him to be active. Also, since I'm really new to the site and don't really know anyone or their writing styles It would be awesome if I could have a short role play example with him. It doesn't have to be super long but I need to be able to see that you have a good grasp on him.

Name: Kishan

Age: 3 years old

Gender: Male

Eye color: I would like to see vivid golden eyes but this is discussable.

Pelt Color: Black

Build:He should be heavy and brawny and muscular.

Markings: Up to adopter

Scars: Up to adopter

Appearance: Kishan has a mysterious persona. He has silky, jet-black fur and beautiful vivid golden eyes. He is heavier, brawnier, and more muscular than his brother, despite the fact that he is younger. He is strong but not very swift and despite his size, he is quite agile.

Personality: Kishan is a mystery. He has a great sense of humor and enjoyed out-shining his older brother. He is witty, sarcastic, clever, and humorous. He has a strong sense of confidence and was arrogant before he met Yesubai and fell in love with her. Kishan is a wolf of action, and does not bottle up his feelings though he has a powerful sense of guilt. He is caring and protective over Yesubai. I see him being the bolder one in the relationship and he would be the one to stick up for her when she won't do it for herself.

History: Kishan was the second son born to Rajaram (father) and Deschen (mother). While his brother was off fighting battles or doing his diplomatic duties away from home, his parents urged the younger prince to stay at home. He was trained in fighting, but rarely had a chance to use his skill. When Yesubai was "betrothed" to his brother, she came to his lands. The two met shortly after she got there and fell in love. Kishan betrayed his brother in order to be with her. When Yesubai asked her father to be mated with Kishan instead, her father was furious and attacked her. Kishan came to her rescue and they ran away together and got on a ship, leaving India. They were found by a crew member and were forced to jump into the sea. They swam until they reached Alacritis. The next day, Kishan went hunting and about twenty minutes into the hunt it began to storm and he was forced to find shelter. When the storm ended, Kishan began to look for Yesubai and she began to look for him but they haven't found each other yet.

Okay, so that's him in a nut shell. I'd like for them to join a pack together at some point so we can discuss that later. I'd also like for them to have pups together eventually. Kishan and Yesubai both speak fluent Hindi but they can communicate in english but their speech is broken. Images and whatever wasn't talked about up there ^^ is up to you. His brother's name is up to you as well. If you have any questions or if you want to bounce ideas off of me, we can do that too. So if you want him I would really appreciate it if you could post your "audition" for him here, thanks so much!