
Where Am I Going To?



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-08-2021, 10:16 AM

A long yawn pulled from the leggy woman and she stretched, foreclaws digging into stone while her back toes splayed out, the pads upturned towards the sunlight. The woman rested her chin on one bent, silver dipped paw. The warmth of the sun as it soaked into her dark pelt was comfortable and calming. It was something that she needed. Tensions had been a little high yesterday with seeing her mother after so many years. And to see the woman in such a state... well... it took a lot out of Eska. She'd been both happy and relieved to have caught up to her mother finally, but wished that it had been under better circumstances.

The state that Resin had been in was short of horrifying. Eska hadn't even recognized the woman that gave birth to her. She had been so slender. So...dull. She wasn't the same wolf at all. The steady presence of Ulric behind her had kept Eska where she stood, but there was a chance that, without drawing upon his strength, she very well may have fled both the dungeon and the Hallows lands. In place of her mother was a ghost. A demon. It was a lot to deal with.

The silver and smoke woman needed this time away to decompress; to set her mind straight. She needed to plan out the next step in her journey. Would she stay with The Hallows? See her mother to her death? She could always continue traveling and learn more about this land that was so different from her homeland. There was time to decide and she wouldn't make it today, but it was still something to mull over.

From up above, the scraping of rock on rock met the woman's dark ears first. Eska raised her head, neck curling to see what was happening. Rockslide? Soon, a new sound accompanied the sliding rock and, parting from the coniferous branches of the pines, came a wolf. And he was coming right towards her.

Like a delicate dance, the man stepped upon the rock behind her just as Eska pulled her body forward, sliding gracefully off the front of the boulder to land upon her paws. By the time the wolf landed and righted himself, they were both on the ground, staring at one another. She flashed him a look of irritation, brows drawn together. He had the decency to ask if she was alright, but still... what an inconvenience.

"I'm fine," she spoke, her tones low. The irritation would slowly fade, but for now, it had its hold upon her. She didn't ask how he was as he was obviously standing there in one piece. She couldn't smell blood on him. Nothing fresh, anyway. One silvered brow lifted in question. Was he going to stand around and talk or be on his way?
