
Where Am I Going To?



2 Years
05-08-2021, 11:27 AM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2021, 11:32 AM by Cíel. Edited 4 times in total.)

Blood orange orbs melted into the golden ones staring back as the wind carried several pieces of debris between us. The moment of silence was in part due to me waiting for a response. The other was the fault of my mind processing what just happened and cursing the universe for putting someone else here. The plan was to lay low as much as possible until I was able to retrace my steps back north. After gaining that new information from the last lady I spoke to, it was a sure-fire bet that I wasn't going to find what I was looking for the further south that I went.

Her expression made an invisible distance between us, coming off as being irked at my sudden arrival/disturbance of her doing... whatever the hell she was doing. However, rightfully so. I'm sure I would have already been spewing some choice words for the idiot that didn't watch where he was going. I suppose I should have been thankful my head wasn't being chewed off right now. I smirked at the thought, dipping my head to the level of my shoulders and closing my eyes briefly.
"I always find it curious how the universe tries to keep me on my toes."
I said, making it more of a point to slow down and enunciate my words through my accent. My head lifted back up with a half-grin still pulling at the sides of my maw.
"I suppose it's trying to keep you from getting too comfortable too."
I laughed lightly, taking in her form. Hm, she looked wet? Not straight out the water kind of 'wet'  but I was thinking it hadn't been long since she had been in the water. Maybe the universe was trying to keep her from getting too comfortable in more ways than one.

'I hope you aren't such a clutz like I seem to be and fell into the water...' I thought, deciding to keep the comment to myself.

"To be honest, since you're here..."
I fell into a sit and tilted my head slightly to the right, just enough for an ear to flop to the side.
"Maybe you can be of some assistance."
I blinked. The wind pushed another gust in between us and if it weren't for the sun beating down on my back, it might have packed a little bit of a chill along with it.

"I'm trying to find these... uh. Damn it."
Of course my mind decided to escape me right at that moment. I swirled a paw in front of me as if I were egging my thoughts to continue on.
"Dire wolves! That's it."
I sighed.
"I find that I've lived with one for so long and I cant remember that this isn't what they're called back at home..."
My voice was lower as if that comment was more for myself than for her.
"You know..."
I rose my paw up, gesturing to their height.
"Big fuckers.
My paw lowered and I casted my gaze out to the waters. It was a long shot that she would know anything to be able to help me along but besides the bargain that I had made with that dude a few weeks ago... shit, Can't remember his name anymore either. I wanted to find out for myself what drove them to do what they did to Armada - amazing that I remember the pack and not that guy's name - and if it had any connection to a biological mental state or was it just a plan being put forth. Maybe this would be helpful in my studies.

"I've been trying to find someone who might have more information about, well I suppose it was a raid. Or maybe just a random attack...Either way, I figured it might be the most helpful to talk to one of them. Or atleast someone who knows these lands well enough to lead me in the right direction of where they seem to be emerging from. "

'Unless they were already apart of this ecosystem. I suppose I hadn't really considered that.

I turned back to her, my expression more eager than anything.
"You wouldn't happen to have any info that could help, would you?"
I woofed softly, curbing my enthusiasm in case that resounding answer was a 'no'.
