
Sing about the Birds and the Bees

Bronze i


12 Years
07-31-2013, 11:55 AM

Bronze never had been one for small talk, and he knew very well that his mate -- who was as good as his second, and his better half -- was much more pleasant company than he. And yet he felt drawn to this woman, knowing she was a dear friend of Silent's. Ear's perked atop his lifted head as he listened to her, glad to hear the excitement in Song's voice. If Silent was as close to her as Song claimed, and he had no reason to think she would lie to him, she deserved his attention and even an ounce of compassion ... a rare thing from the elder wolf.

And so he offered a gentle smile in return, noting that she had known Silent since she'd been in these lands. "It is too bad you two were not around our wedding," he teased lightly, ears flicking back. "Though that wedding was nearly... I don't know..." he paused, considering. "At least two dozen seasons ago." He laughed lightly, remembering -- it was sometimes painful realizing how he was nearing the end of his life. It seemed only yesterday he was barely reaching adulthood, becoming a man, starting a family. Now he was but a shadow of the creature he once was; his age was written plainly on his scarred face. "You know, it was only recently that I was reunited with her. Fate works in strange ways sometimes." He watched her, wondering when the woman was due to give birth. Probably before Silent, or so it seemed. "It's probably my fault that you haven't seen her much. I don't like her traveling very far, to be honest-- I'm a bit surprised we were even able to have children." It was quite amazing, and Bronze was beginning to feel certain it would be their last. What would happen if they ended up passing before the children reached adulthood? He could only hope he could persevere for these children, to see them through their childhoods and provide some sort of stability in their lives -- something he had never been given himself.