
It's all for you, everything I do




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-09-2021, 08:28 AM

Tam wasted no time in launching herself towards the resting woman and Resin chuckled, though she felt the jarring sensation in her bones from the impact. She'd gotten so frail so quickly. Perhaps it wasn't just some disease of the mind. Resin didn't know what it was and nor did anyone else, it seemed. Luta had come closest to controlling the symptoms but even the sedative concoction wasn't working well these days. It was hit or miss and, to Resin, the time for allowing such close encounters was drawing to an end.

"I've missed you as well," The dark fae buried her face into Resin's fur and the one-eyed woman gently kissed Tamsyn's crown. She knew that this was painful for her, but it was out of Resin's paws. She had no control over her situation. It was easier to accept the inevitable than to fight it. Fighting it only seemed to turn her into a beast. She'd been fighting it the night that she'd ruined Tam's face. Raising one paw, Resin cupped Tamsyn's cheek, placing a kiss upon the scarred flesh that she'd inflicted upon her. "Tamsyn, I'm so sorry..." There was no going back from that. Her lover would carry those visible memories for the rest of her life.

The soft admission that there wasn't much time left drew a sigh from the larger fae. "No, there isn't." She could feel it in her bones. Wrapping her arms about Tam's neck, she pulled the smaller fae tightly against her chest. "When I am gone," she whispered into one black ear, "Do not cry. Remember me as I was." She kissed that black ear lovingly. "When I am gone, move on. Find someone to be with that will give you the attention and respect that you deserve." Like she hadn't. Resin felt like she hadn't done enough to show her lover the appreciation that she'd held for her. "You're far too loving. Far too beautiful to stay alone." Sliding her cheek along Tamsyn's, the slowly dying woman pulled her woman into a heated kiss. Resin tried to show the fae in that one action just how much she loved and would miss her.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]