
Learn to live with the unimaginable

Pack meeting!



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
05-09-2021, 09:30 AM

Raga listened quietly as the meeting commenced, taking notes for Lúta though the macaque planned to leave a few things out til she felt her friend was well enough to hear the news. Lúta had been working to remodel one of the second floor rooms for Resin but was unable to finish before her illness, time would tell if someone else chose to pick up the project or not. So much depended on if Resin was willing to be moved out or not. Ulric then moved on to explaining the changes in ranks and the promotions the younger wolves were receiving. While not a wolf, Raga was used to group living and it did her heart good to see the youth rising in the ranks.

The meeting started to come to a close and Raga cleared her throat. "Ulric, a moment. I have an update on Lúta. I'm sure her absence has been noted these past few weeks. She's come down with a serious respiratory infection. We suspect it may have been picked up from a battle with one of those strange dire wolves. However, at this time we are not sure if it was transmitted through contact or a bite wound and for the safety of the pack she is quarantined to her den. I will tend to her." She was sure there were plenty of skilled healers that could tend to Resin and the rest of the pack in Lúta's absence. "I had a discussion with Lúta and she would like to step down from the rank of Seneschal. She is content to be a Sage or Knight, wherever you feel she can be of most use when she recovers." And she would recover, Raga would do everything she could to make sure her friend beat this illness. She also did not wish to add another burden to the wolves of the Hallows by letting on how serious the illness was. There was enough on their minds.