
It's gonna be a grand old time!

Mammoth Hunt!


05-09-2021, 03:15 PM
The bear thing had been more than enough for her for one lifetime, but she hadn't let the notice of the giant things with tusks evade her notice. Food was scarce yeah but she wasn't about to try one of those big ass things alone, not even if she had just Rhae with her. She paced after Rhae like a dutiful shadow, having stashed the parts of the bear she was going to use in a safe place. She needed to finish a lot of it for the male that lead her around in their search for Odyssia. The darkness of his pelt would look better if she bleached the bear's fur out to make it as white as possible, where as her part would look best with the darkness of the bear's natural fur.

Her broken canine was still a sore spot for her, since they were her best natural weapons. She watched with her half blind eye as Rhae came upon a gathering of... pups. If they intended to hunt one of those massive beasts out here these pups had another thing coming. They were either braindead or dumb to even think on it. Though then again a rumble of her own gut had her considering it. The odds of these kids actually succeeding was low, she bet they weren't at all warriors like the spartans had made her.

She came up to Rhae's side and took a seat watching the others with a judging gaze. She glanced to Rhae before speaking in a whisper to him, "Bet one of these fuck sticks get killed by one of those beasts..... That or they get in our way." A small chuckle was given at the thought before she fell silent once more. She eyed their surroundings and started thinking through her options. If they could get some of them on the beasts back they could in theory spear it safely so long as they kept out of reach of the things face appendage thing. She'd seen one of them using it to grab things like it was a hand of some sort.
