
Close Your Eyes, Sometimes It Helps




7 Years
Chrono I

05-09-2021, 03:18 PM

Nobody Knew How Much She Blamed Herself


Aranea had been taking her time going back to Abaven. Originally she lingered around Auster for a bit, maybe hoping that Ulric would change his mind and come after her. She was kidding herself though. Ulric was a much better man, certainly Aranea thought she wasn't worthy enough for him.

It wasn't that Allegro wasn't a better man either, Allegro also had high morals and expectations for what he wanted for his life. It wasn't his fault the Aranea found herself in the arms of Ulric, and it wasn't his fault that she ended up falling in love with him. Aranea was undeserving of both of the men.

She had eventually decided to move on to Abaven, trying to bury mistakes that had been made both in her time in The Hallows and after. But by the time she lingered here in Auster and made her way all the way to the eastern lands of Boreas, she had made the unnerving discovery that she wasn't alone. In the night that she left Ulric, it had been in the beginning of her heat season and she was now bearing his children. To the realization, she didn't want to confront Allegro. She would have rather him believed she stood him up on the offer again and hoped he could move on with his life because of it.

She didn't want to face Ulric either though. She was conflicted with exactly what she wanted to do because she wanted both of the men to move on from her. It seemed she caused them nothing but trouble, she knew she was better off left outside of their lives.

She had been wandering the lands farther from The Hallows, but also somehow she wished if she stayed close enough Ulric would find her and ask her to come back. She seemed to feel and show sooner with every pregnancy, though she had a feeling the ones growing in her now would all be fit for Ulric's size so maybe that played a part of it as well. She stuck by the forest of the dam, straying from the wetter ground from the melted snow and natural wet lands of the land here. It would be a good source of water, but she would move on to the more southern lands in a few days time.

Walk "Talk"


She Tried To Hide The Whiskey On Her Breath

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead