
Never Take Us Alive

Summer Year 16 Seasonal Prompt - Relm



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
05-09-2021, 03:50 PM

Rhaegath had the right idea, knocking the large cat creature into the river to be swept away in the rapids was an excellent plan. After his first push to get the creature backwards, Relm too would trust herself forward to catch her oxen horn armor into the beast's shoulder, it gorged right through, Relm had a bit of an issue pulling the horn back out though, but she managed as it caused the beast to jump more backwards again, and allowed Rheagath to finish off the deed. She eagerly ran behind him as they peered down at the broken, bleeding cat, Relm just as satisfied as her new companion.

She raised a brow as he spoke, "You're welcome? I guess." She didn't really take his appreciation as a thank you, but she wasn't being genuine about a head bashing attitude. It was much more another joke for her like minded friend. "Yeah, yeah. I'm working on it. He'd lose my scent at Firefly lake, his head gets kind of fuzzy any time we've been near." It was where Relm was born, and where Kefka killed Agria. He never really felt right anytime they traveled this far east, and Relm had noticed. Relm's shoulders rolled as she adjusted the harness of her ox horns, looking back to the young brute with her casual, joking smile, "Don't worry, I've been following your rivers or whatever."

Her head turned to the horn she stuck into the cat creature, gently licking the blood off the inside not just to keep it clean, but she liked the taste too. "Care for a taste?" She imagined Rhaegath would take the offer, but she wouldn't have judged him otherwise. He had made a name in her books, so it would take a little more than him being queasy around kitty blood to write him off as a dick. Well, maybe he was already that but there was the good kind and the bad kind. Or at least an equal kind.

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