
It's all for you, everything I do



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-09-2021, 08:07 PM

Tamsyn tipped her head to lean into Resin's touch when her paw came to rest on her cheek, squeezing her eyes closed for a moment against a heavy wave of emotion as Resin brought her muzzle to her scars, giving them a gentle kiss. "No, don't... don't apologize," she immediately insisted, speaking softly and blinking her eyes open to look up at Resin again. "It's not your fault, my love." She didn't hold a single ounce of resentment toward her mate for what had happened. Yes, she would be scarred forever, but she could live with that. She'd move past it the same way she had moved past the scars on her leg and the scar on her neck. They were marks of the past and she'd leave them in the past. What she was going to have a harder time with was living without her mate.

Her ears folded back and she hid her face in Resin's fur when she confirmed the painful truth that there was little time left. She pressed herself close to her mate, biting back the tears that threatened to overwhelm her. She knew it was coming, had known for a while, but it was still so hard. Living her days without Resin had been hard enough even with knowing that she was near by in the dungeons. Knowing that she would be completely gone from her life stabbed at her heart in a way that made it hard to breathe. She almost wished that it would have been sudden so she wouldn't have had all this time to live with the knowledge that her mate was withering away and suffering. She let herself be wrapped up in Resin's arms, savoring the feeling and wondering how many times she had taken these embraces and cuddles for granted. Now she'd likely never feel them again.

She swallowed hard as she listened to Resin's insistence that she not cry, to remember her as she once was, to move on and find someone to respect her as she deserved. The only thing she could promise to do was remember her mate as the strong woman she had always been. Everything else felt too difficult to swear to right now. Tears had become a constant companion for her and she had no doubt that when the day came there would be plenty of them. Moving on... Moving on felt painful. Impossible. She knew that she would have to for her own sanity - living alone during this time that Resin was locked away had taught her that - but right now, laying in Resin's arms, this was the only place she wanted to be. This feeling was going to be ripped away from her far too soon and she loathed that fact.

Feeling Resin's cheek against her on forced her to pull her face away from her chest, giving in to the motion as Resin's lips found hers for the first time in what felt like a life time. The tears she had been fighting fell down her cheeks as she closed her eyes and pressed back into that heated, passionate kiss. A soft whine escaped her as her paws came up to gently hold Resin's face between them, holding her as if she was the single most precious thing in the world, desperate to keep that kiss going for the rest of time. Even though all the heavy, gut wrenching sorrow, Resin still sparked the same adoring love and desire with that kiss as she always had and for just a heart beat she could believe that nothing was wrong. At least in her mind, they were suddenly back in the den they had shared once upon a time within the Armada when Resin had allowed her to experience true love and pleasure for the first time. For one blissful moment everything was fine and she could be lost in this feeling of passion with her mate.

Once their lips parted and Tamsyn blinked open her eyes, reality came crashing down in on her again and she whined again as her paws gently brushed over Resin's cheeks. "I love you..." she whispered quietly against her lips, doing her best to hide the pain in her voice.

"Tamsyn" | "Blue"