
need you to stay


07-31-2013, 12:29 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

The brute's relaxed tone seemed to calm her, allowing her head to rise again to look him in the eyes. All she found there was concern, which flooded her with relief and a familiar guilt all at once. It was the same look of concern he had given her when she had told him her story during their first meeting, but on the whole the issue had been short-lived. They had only briefly talked about it before moving on to discuss happier things, friendlier things. She wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't remember, but it seemed not to matter regardless. From the way she was acting now, he was clearly in tune enough to know that everything was not well. She took a deep breath as she recalled the near encounter she had with the devil. It was near the edge of the pack lands... I was with Aria and Ramelia...

Liste's voice trailed off, allowing him to speak again. She wasn't sure how to react to his words. Here he was, wanting to protect her, and all she could think to do was to trap him somewhere to save him instead. She wasn't ready to lose him to that monster, and yet... Angeal was strong, she could see that clearly. Was he prepared for such a fight though? He had only showed her gentleness and the most aggression she had seen from him was hunting a deer. She shook her head vigorously.

No, no... He'll kill you. He doesn't care about anyone or anything... He has no heart. The look in her eyes was pleading, as it had been before. I can't let you get hurt because of my cowardice. I... I can take care of it... But the only way she could take care of it was with her death. She knew this well, and feared it all the same. Oh well. If it was what she had to do to protect those she cared for, so be it.

Tagged: Angeal