
Where Am I Going To?



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-10-2021, 09:42 AM

My, he was a talkative thing. Very animated as well. Stoic as ever, Eska stood there and stared at the man while he spoke, sulfur yellow pools fixed on his patchwork form. They were two completely different kinds of creatures, it seemed. He ran at the mouth while she stayed quiet. Just like her mother, she believed that only the important things needed to be said. Silence was golden and not enough people took advantage of it.

As the one sided conversation switched to speak of Dire wolves, Eska lifted an obsidian brow. Were dires so uncommon where he came from? They weren't an anomaly here. Damn near every pack had at least one, usually more, in their ranks. A moment later he admitted that he'd lived with one himself, so again, she wondered why he was looking for something that he had at home? He finished his description in a very colorful manner and Eska released a soft, amused huff out of dusty blue nares. He was so strange.

"Dires are not uncommon. My father was a dire. The pack where my mother resides has multiple dires in the ranks." If he was simply searching for dire wolves, he could skip a few lands away and reach The Hallows. The smoke and shadow fae didn't doubt that he could find what he was looking for if he approached any of the packs in Boreas or Auster.

When he spoke of information regarding an attack, she gave a light shrug. "I'm fairly new to these lands. I've heard nothing of an attack." Unfortunately, she wouldn't be any help to him in this area. With a pull of her skull, she motioned behind her, down the fjord and towards the ocean. "There's a pack nearby, The Hallows. They might have some information for you. The alpha's name is Ulric." And, because it might help to tell Ulric how he knew to find them, she added, "And I am Eska."
