
Where Am I Going To?



2 Years
05-10-2021, 12:14 PM

She was patient with me while my mind ran a muck through the information scattered around my brain.
I was grateful for that.
Although, her expression while I spoke didn't scream patience but rather the look of someone who's watching another flounder in the water and wondering why they wouldn't just stand up. Heat rose to my face as I finished my thought, tickling the part of my anxiety that I tried to keep at bay.

I sat with those words for a moment as she went on in her explanation. Not uncommon... did that mean that that attack was uncommon for them too? That sat too well with my assumptions that something weird was going on. This girl's information was definitely more of an anomaly than the ones that I had received before from other loners and pack members. I sighed, clicking my teeth together subtly as I thought. Sirius was a Dire, he had to be. And if her account is right of her family having dires within them as well, assuming her family was still within these lands, then they weren't just beings crossing over at random. But that's not what others were saying. This just didn't make any sense... I groaned lightly at inner frustration.

It also meant that I wasn't getting all of that free food I was promised.

Her words brought my attention back to her face, I hadn't noticed that my vision had begun to wander off to the rocks behind her.
'She was new.'
Of course, she was. I almost wanted to roll my eyes - not with her being new. But at my arrogance that I thought I was the only new one around these parts. Well. At least it was nice to hear that others were trickling in from the surrounding areas as well.
I sighed in a huff.
"It was worth a shot inquiring..."
Ears faltered slightly as I turned my vision to the waters a few yards out from us for a brief moment. I wasn't back to square one, but I did have a giant wrench thrown into my plans. I was beginning to think that this was something that I should let go of. It wasn't any of my business what problems others had. Especially since my loyalty was still to myself and perhaps my elder sister. But something still tugged at my stomach that this could possibly give me some insight on if any other dire was dealing with what my father was going through. What...I was beginning to go through. If it was indeed just a select few dires that went a-wall. Then... then maybe there was something there. I doubted it, and doubted it hard but it was one of the only clues in this area that I had to go off of. Talking to a master healer I supposed wouldn't hurt either.

I turned back to her with an open maw about to say something else when I caught the tail end of her motioning her head towards the water. I blinked, unsure of whether I just wanted to continue on my way or follow her down. My head looked up towards the sky as she spoke. Taking note of the suns' postion overhead before I lifted onto my own paws and followed her down.

'I still have time...'

I dipped my head in acknowledgment.
My tail casually swept behind my legs in a brief swing before resting over my rump.
"I can't help but feel bad for wasting your time with this. It seems like I get two steps ahead and fall one step back in this pursuit."
My voice was in good spirits despite how I felt.
"Ciel Mortifico."
I introduced myself back absentmindedly, my optics paying more attention to the gentle current of the water. My body sauntered forward into the liquid until it rose up to my ankles. Lumbering white paws sank halfway into the warm mud, almost covering the initial chill of the water. A shiver broke through my shoulders anyway.
"The Hallows, huh?"
I questioned, trying to commit the name to memory. Well great, another pack to talk to. Yeah, I wasn't too keen on that idea. But what other choice did I have?

"I take it that's where you're staying now?"
My voice had lowered as I came up to the water's edge. Peering down at the lightly ripping reflection of my own face.
I wondered if that was where her family was. She said she was new to these lands so maybe that wasn't the case and she was just staying around these parts momentarily. At any rate, I needed to know if she knew who I could talk to in the pack about my issue. I was done searching around frantically for the needle in the haystack - it was wasting too much time that I just didn't have.
