
On My Teeth



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-10-2021, 06:32 PM
She continued to pant and catch her breath between happy laughter and giggles, squeezing her sister tight for a long moment. With as few of them as there was left in her family it felt like she had to hold the ones she had left extra tight and make sure that they remained with her. By the time that Sévérine pulled back with a comment on how much she had missed her, Chrystelle had mostly caught her breath and was able to return her sister's grin. Gods, she couldn't wait for a time when a simple run across the Pines wouldn't completely wipe her out. The illness she had survived had set her back so much and it only continued to hinder her daily life. She was only grateful for the fact that she had found healing and had a way to contribute to the pack and her family that didn't involve a significant amount of physical strength.

When the question came of what she had missed, Chrys gave a small shake of her head. "Honestly, not that much," she admitted, wondering where to even begin. "Océan just returned recently and he was in pretty bad shape when I found him - all beat up and heartbroken... a little frown pulled across her features at the thought of their brother. "I can't remember who lead the pack when I saw you last... Acere had passed it down to his daughter Winter, but a little bit ago his nephew Ignis challenged her for it. It was... interesting. Not everyone is pleased with the change, there was a lot of fighting involved. He helped me dig my den out form the snow recently though - he seems nice enough... Despite how he took the pack from Winter." She'd have to let Sév make her own conclusions about the Rex and how he wanted to run things. As long as she had a place that was safe for her and her siblings to live that's all she really cared about.

"That's... That's the biggest things," she decided after another moment of thought, giving a small shrug. "Otherwise it's just been pretty quiet. What about you? Where have you been?"
