
I'd Catch You If You Fall




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-10-2021, 07:23 PM
Duchess returned his kiss for a long few moments, she warmed his chest as she placed her paws upon him. Being close like this was the welcome distraction Indigo needed. He felt like he was sick, and the only solution to his symptoms was the girl in his arms. While he yearned for the cure he knew how far away it actually was. Duchess pulled away, but the look she gave him kept the young man on her trail. He followed underneath the pounding falls, letting the sweet water pour over him.

This first adventure after their time together had a much different tone than any scouting mission before. Duchess led him into the cozy space beyond the waterfall, and as he blinked open bright blue eyes he was mystified by it all. The crystalline sound of the water falling, the magical lighting, and Duch’s pretty face awaiting him. Indigo followed her forward, nose to her hip as he intentionally uncovered the scar that resided there. He made o effort to hide his attention there with little kisses before he moved to her shoulder.

There was so much he didn’t know about her and about her past. None of it mattered in the present moment. That was why being with her helped him so much. She made him forget about and past or future, all they had was right now. The corners of Indy’s lips pulled back into a devilish grin as he worked his way into the wet fur of her scruff, nips and nibbled along her skin the whole way up to her ears. He wanted to feel her warmth against him and ward off the chill of the cool water. He wanted to feel the burn of desire again, but at the back of his mind still worried about Duchess and her wellbeing. Was he making the right choices? It felt like it. Indigo nuzzled along her jaw then, wondering if she would lead him along further.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.