
I'd Catch You If You Fall




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-11-2021, 06:44 AM
Duchess didn’t make any comment on his interest in the scar that adorned her shapely hips. Indigo was curious, but he had so much more of her to explore that there was no lingering. The girl moved with him as Indigo touched and teased her skin, he was slow and careful, but traced his teeth over sensitive areas while he trailed up her form. The way she moved against him was so different from the first hesitant time they had one another. Indigo didn’t hold himself back as long as Duch was receptive to his eager actions.

She lifted her head as he traced her jaw line, giving him complete access to the vulnerable lifepulse at her neck. Indigo took a deep breath of her, savoring the scent mixed with the magical water all around them. Deep blue eyes closed as he savored her. Indigo traced jer jugular vein until the girl shifted, and their lips were reunited once again. The actions had long begin the undying fire deep in Indigo’s belly. Electricity raced over his damp skin. Excitement thrilled him and sent wave after wave of indescribable emotions through his entire being. There was no pain or sorrow as long as he clung to the tiny girl.

She kissed him and refused to allow any hesitation in the way she showed her affection. Indigo followed, realizing that she wanted him as much as his desire for her. He could easily get lost in her, and he would have because words were not needed. They spoke with their bodies and their affections. Indigo felt an incredible surge within as she whispered to him. The implications were obvious as she offered up the whole of her to him. Indigo thought himself obvious but he chuckled all the same as he wrapped his huge arms around her shoulders and pulled her closer to his chest as he leaned back against the smooth stone behind him.

”Isn’t it obvious?” He returned in a heady whisper as he nibbled along her jaw once more while his huge paws explored the gentle curves of her dainty body. ”I want you.” He returned to her lips, this time taking the kisses from her as he tested her perseverance against her traumas. ”Again and again and again.” Indigo rumbled with a deep chuckle as he pulled her into him, like they couldn’t be close enough.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.