
There'll be peace when you are done



07-31-2013, 12:49 PM

Killian grinned at the female, amused by her assessment. The male that stood between them did seem over-confident and had a skewed perception of what he believed a pirate to be. The brute chuckled, raising an eyebrow at the male before him. "Had I not wanted you to scent me, I wouldn't have purposefully stood upwind from you," he said, tones of sarcasm lacing his words. No wolf in his right mind would give himself away that easily if he didn't want to. The navigator had made no sound in his approach and had stayed well out of nose's reach until he had decided to make his presence know. There was no way this one had known he was coming any earlier than he intended. Navigating and hunting were his specialty, and keeping himself concealed had been a primary part of his training.

His voice rose again over the night, in a question this time. "Do tell, though... What makes you think I am one of these 'pirates' as you describe them?" He stepped closer to the female as the male pranced away. "I have no interest in obtaining prizes, or causing others to fear me." Well, except for my old pack of course, he thought as he finished his statement. Those were the only wolves he would seek to frighten or take anything from, and only because of revenge.

Without revenge, Killian was nothing but a kindred soul and a talented tracker. Was that enough, though? Was that what he truly wanted to be? Lately, his feelings on the issue had come into question, but he had continued to put thinking about them off until later. He did so again tonight, turning to the female and giving a brief bow of his head. "It's a pleasure to meet you, miss. I have no doubts that you are quite the talented assassin, and that you could take care of this oaf with little strain."