
I'd Catch You If You Fall




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-11-2021, 02:19 PM
She followed his lead, both of them finding and following the same path of desire. Her grip on him was stronger, much more desperate than anytime before. Indigo fed into her need, returning the eager and selfish grasps at her body as he pulled her closer and wrapped himself around her. He didn’t have to think about how difficult life was beyond the waterfall, he could be here intoxicated by Duchess. She returned his sentiments, her sweet voice a subtle suggestion as she moved over him with confidence and thought in every motion. Indigo rumbled deep in his chest, the sound echoing the voice of desire deep within.

His heart began to race as she moved against him, her uncertainty quickly disappearing as they lost themselves in one another. This time was even easier, a smooth transition to such a passionate dance. Indigo aimed to give more than he received, as he took as much pleasure in the physical as he did watching Duchess express her own bliss. He couldn’t deny the beauty of her here in the mystic light behind the falls, and there was no second thoughts as he adored her there in the water. She put a grin on his face and dissolved his cares, Indigo indulged without restraint.


Indigo gasped for breath and held Duchess tightly to his chest as their hearts beat in sync and their minds caught up with body. Indigo’s mind was filled with fluff and intense emotions that were better left undisturbed. She never said the words I love you but as he felt her cling to him Indigo could almost feel it. Again the gnawing feeling of guilt tugged at his conscious and again he pushed it away with his entire being. Ignoring it wouldn’t solve anything, but surely he had time to figure everything out… But a nagging voice assured him that he had already gone much too far.

He squashed it as he wrapped himself around the dainty girl and kissed the wet fur of her. His whole body was tingling and alight, and he just wanted to hold onto her and the feeling for longer. Duchess pulled away though, pulling herself to the ledge of the cavern. Tilting his head Indigo followed after her. Not truly wanting to stop touching her. He knew the empty feeling of being apart, and simply a paw or being beside her soothed the deep sense of loneliness. She lowered herself delicately on the floor, and Indigo was faced again with the scar that adorned her. He lifted himself and smoothed out as much water as possible before he padded closer, his muzzle again attracted to the once terrible wound. There was a silent question as he kissed the damaged skin and looked up to her in silent question.

Indigo lingered for only a moment as he trailed more kisses up her spine and curled his massive frame around her. He just wanted to hold her tight.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.