
It can happen to anyone



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-11-2021, 02:24 PM
It was steadily becoming easier for him to just not attempt sleep unless he was too exhausted to do otherwise. He felt sure that at some point he would have thought every thought that he could possibly think and yet somehow his mind managed to find more to keep him awake. He realized at some point that he was just looping the same thoughts and memories again and again and that pushed him out of the castle onto yet another patrol. He felt slightly better about it since he had his Baron and Templars in place and he knew they would be watching the borders as well, but there was still that part of him that just couldn't rest until he checked them himself.

He moved around the edge of the plains, marking the border and checking for scents of any wolves that were not Hallows wolves. Occasionally he'd find the scent of Sirius or Briar coming and going between here and the Armada and those he he just skipped over, paying them no mind. They were family at this point in his eyes and he had stopped trying to keep track of them coming into his territory. However, he did find one that was completely new to him and it was fairly fresh as well. That made him pause and lift his head with a frown, looking back over the plains. It was barely morning at this point with just the faintest hint of light peeking over the horizon. The fact that someone had crossed his borders seemingly in the dead of night without announcing their presence didn't sit well with him.

Slightly on edge, Ulric followed the trail into the plains and soon found a pale male that was splattered with segments of charcoal gray and red hidden in the taller grass, laying with his head on his paws, seemingly asleep or close to it. His brows drew together while he did his best to not jump to conclusions or let his exhaustion tip over into irritation. He cleared his throat to get the male's attention as he stood behind him, waiting till orange-hued eyes looked up at him. "You shouldn't be out here on your own at night," he said first, his concern for others outweighing most else. "We've had a lot of dangerous animals attacking the pack lately." Saber cats, giant dire wolves... what next? "I'm Ulric, the Aegis of The Hallows. The alpha. What has you on our lands?"

Ulric Adravendi