
Close Your Eyes, Sometimes It Helps




7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
05-11-2021, 03:38 PM
He stood frozen with disbelief, watching her with hurt and confusion in his eyes as she turned toward him, feeling the pressure of his own emotions squeezing down onto him. He had tried so desperately to move past her, to finally bury the love he had for her, but it had been nearly impossible. Some of it still lingered along with the small hope that once she moved back to Abaven they would be able to rekindle what they had, mend the relationship she had with their children, and finally be the family he had always wanted them to be. Any chance of that was gone now. He stood here in some godforsaken part of Auster after spending all day tracking her scent only to find her pregnant. Again. Not by him.

Allegro couldn't bring himself to move as she came closer, the feeling of her gently resting her head on his chest feeling more like a punch in the gut. "Clearly," he told her quietly, a hard bite to his voice. He turned away from her, pulling sharply from her touch as he walked a few steps from her to try and steady himself. It was useless though and the more he tried to calm down the angrier he got. All of the feelings and emotions he had been repressing since she left came boiling over to the surface and when he looked at her again all he could feel was the betrayal and the heartache.

"How could you?" he questioned, hurt and anger clear on his voice, his ears folded back against his head. He didn't yell, at least not yet, but it was clear that the simmering, brewing anger was lingering and just barely contained. "I forgave everything - all of it. Gave you a second chance to be with our children - no, my children. And you do... do this?!" Pain and disgust. All he could feel was pain and disgust. "That's it. I... I can't. I can't do this anymore. I'm done." Never in his life had he felt this kind of anger, seething and churning in his gut. But standing here, seeing her pregnant with someone else's pups, when he had spent the last season preparing for her to finally complete their family... he was truly, genuinely furious.

"I never want to see you again." His voice was hard and final, spitting the words at her, hardly able to hold her gaze. "I never want to see you around my children again either. You're not a mother, you're..." His heart twisted and he just shook his head and turned away from her again. He couldn't stay here any longer. He had to go before he said anything else or lashed out any more. He started to walk away to begin the long walk back to Abaven, his gaze fixed on the ground in front of his feet.

Walk | "Talk" | think