
so broken hearted



3 Years
Extra large
05-11-2021, 03:58 PM
There were no thoughts pared for anything besides getting his teeth on her. She challenged him, pushed him and led him forward into the feeling of frustration and anger instead of hopeless sorrow. He had nothing to blame her death on, and taking out his frustration with this emotional and physical exertion was therapeutic in a way he might not ever fully understand. He raced at her, wanting nothing more than to sink his teeth into her and rip the smirk from her features. He wanted to rip and tear, a feeling that he had never truly embraced until now. A red haze ebbed at the corners of his vision as his gaze narrowed.

His bloodlust remained unfulfilled as she sidestepped out of his reach and turned on him. Ocean felt her teeth at his knee, he didn’t cry out but he took in a sharp inhale. Realizing full well what the deeper meaning to her touch was. The boy was far outclassed by this young woman. He caught his footing before going head first into the water and returned his attention to her. Turning himself so he was facing her smaller form. She urged him forward again. Her stance held her in place and Ocean didn’t hesitate a second time.

Oce charged at her head on, aiming to pull his massive head back and swing it against her ribcage as he passed by. He wanted her to tumble over so he could turn about and pin her to the earth. His tail lashed and his eyes glared and flashed with anger. He wanted to feel her struggle beneath him, to feel the consequence of the beast that she had summoned forth, but like the loss he suffered she was just out of reach. Anger swelled and raged in his gut, but already the burst of pure emotion was running short of fuel.