
Close Your Eyes, Sometimes It Helps




7 Years
Chrono I

05-11-2021, 04:32 PM

Nobody Knew How Much She Blamed Herself


While Allegro's voice in his first word was not welcoming, Aranea thought otherwise. She didn't not expect what was coming, and she certainly could have never imagined Allegro speaking to her this way. The mother of his children, or just being a woman in general. When he turned away, she felt what she could have considered an equal amount of hurt, not that it was true if observed.

He blamed her for what had happened, and while she was half on board with the idea she didn't want him to think so. She had gone back and forth in her mind about everything she had put Allegro through, and she couldn't help the way she felt about Ulric. Not that any of it was justified, and she had never intended to hurt or destroy Allegro the way she did. In the end it was pretty hypocritical the outcome of everything she had done. She was selfish, and she played the victim. None of it was right and she deserved every knife Allegro threw at her. All he wanted was to feel his family whole. He knew what Aranea had done to his children aside from his own desires. Allegro was not like her.

"I did not ask for this Allegro!" She cried out at him, her voice cracking under the pressure, whether he chose to hear her or not. She could have never imagined Ulric impregnating her, not that she may have felt excitement after she found out. She didn't ask for Allegro's children either. Immediately tears started falling from her face, and while she didn't wish to rid herself from the love growing in her belly, there was a part of her in this moment that wished she could turn back time and set things right. Alter things for the heart of Allegro or never have met him at all. If Allegro thought he knew the extent of everything she had done to him and their children, he did not. If he knew what she had told Ulric the night he left The Hallows, he probably wouldn't even be here. And he wouldn't have to feel any more hurt knowing what she was carrying.

Claiming the children as his own did little to her, but it would have been hard to notice as she fell into shambles, being called out for her neglect and for the things he didn't know she said about their children. Collapsed in herself, she cried out again, "I'm sorry, Allegro!" Through tears and sobs, there was nothing else she could say. There was no way for her to fix this. Or at least, she didn't want to fix it. If he left her there that was that. She wouldn't follow him, he would get his wish. But it wasn't to appease him, she still wanted Ulric to claim her.

Walk "Talk"


She Tried To Hide The Whiskey On Her Breath

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead