
It can happen to anyone



2 Years
05-11-2021, 09:12 PM

Heavy eyelids threatened to lower as I laid there in that patch of grass - contemplating on how early in the morning should I call for someone to meet me here. Hell... I didn't know any from around these parts and I could only pray that the one that I did meet wasn't as edgy as Sirius when I first met him. Although... I didn't want a pushover either. I'd judge the authority of the pack immediately. I felt my harks flick off a few buzzing flies before the sound of grass shifting caught my attention. This wasn't a squirrel. The sound was similar to heavy paws coming closer and I rose my head just to make sure my suspicions were correct.

It's a bit early for someone to be up and around here...isn't it?"

I was really banking on having a few more hours to myself before talking to anyone, but I suppose that the universe had other plans for me. Well enough... I had been here for hours before being found this early any how. It was a surprise that I was able to stay hidden this long.

I kept my head low on the ground until whoever it was came close enough to be only a few yards behind me. My tail shifted to the side of my body and I couldnt help the prickling of fur on the back of my neck. Lackadaisically, I lifted my skull and turned it around to face the being that found my 'hiding spot'. His throat clearing prompted my body to rise and turn to face him full on.

""You shouldn't be out here on your own at night..."

My expression faltered at the pretentiousness of his first impression.
"Yeah. Neither should you."
I was an adult wolf... not some pup that needed to be in a den before dark. And big he may be, but against what I've heard is out here...he was still only one wolf. I bit my tongue and kept my mouth was kept shut however, fearing for the comments that may spew out of it. Usually I was complacent, even this morning my mind was more pliable than I generally found myself to be in. I account my flustered emotions to be the cause of it. But even I had my pressure points. The large male went on to mention something about recent attacks and I felt my brow furrow thinking how this resonated with all the rest of the accounts that I was hearing about. Perhaps it was more common in this region?

"So i've heard..."
My voice was reserved, wary of what he knew and what he thought of my presence being here. I was well aware now of why every pack member was on edge. It would be well to assume that the loners would be more on guard too but it didn't make sense why they weren't - at least not the ones that I've met along my journey. He introduced himself as Ulric, and I dipped my head respectively in response. I counted myself as audacious , even egotistical at the best of times. But i've had it beat into me that there was a time and a place for that shit, and when to give respect. Even if I didn't particually believe that everyone deserved it just because of a title...

"Ciel Mortifico, Sir."
I brought my head back up to full height, keeping my body relaxed and tail limp behind me.
'The Alpha, huh? Here he called it an Aegis. That's interesting... It seems fitting though that he would be the one to be awake roaming at this hour.'

I flashed over the plan in my head once more before thinking of my next comment. I needed to be tactful in how I went about this.
"I was sent out by Sirus... I'm well aware of the attacks that have been going about. I'm here to inquire about them in hopes of putting them to rest."
Well... it was true for me at least. I didn't know about everyone else.
"Or at least stifling them for the season."
Fathers face glimmered into my brain and I pushed away the notion. My thoughts had a habit of threatening me with the most ridiculous of reminders at the most inconvenient of moments.

"You see, this problem has a personal meaning to me. Being close enough to your packlands, I was anticipating that I'd have the opportunity to converse with one of your healers. I am an Alchemist by trade."
Ears fell marginally as what I may be reffering to.
"Not that i'm hurt per say, though it would be more for a defense than an afterthought..."
